Uncovered by Nisa: Episode 2: What’s the Nisa OG, Elisha Watson, founder, been up to?

Oh wow, we made it to Episode 2, and so did you - thanks for following 🥳
This episode’s guest is The Nisa OG / founder / change maker, Elisha Watson! What a lovely catch up! We find out what it was like for her to say good bye to Nisa 1.0 in July 2023, and what she’s been keeping herself busy with since then, her current job and other things.
Pam talks about the exciting things that have been happening in the workshop HQ and we’ve had a special request from our Lead Machinist, Yuri…👀
(You will also discover how much Li Ling laughs, at nearly everything! Recording the episode is fun and joyful, so she can’t help herself. Perhaps we will talk more seriously next time? 😅)