Using the UN Global Goals as a lens: Finding Family in the Fashion Workshop by Danielle Gardner

Danielle Gardner, from the University of Otago, New Zealand, under guidance of Professor Joe Cooper, has written an innovation story about Nisa, Finding Family in the Fashion Workshop, and how the business helps to progress the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Here's the intro:
Nisa was developed as a social enterprise from its inception, to provide employment opportunities for women from refugee and migrant backgrounds. Offering this opportunity for growth, prosperity and support helps to mitigate the inequalities migrants often face when integrating into life in New Zealand. This innovation helps to progress the Sustainable Development Goals of Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG8) and No Poverty (SDG1), by offering migrant women a career path and supportive kinship within the Nisa team, which they may not have had available to them otherwise. This wrap-around support includes encouraging their employees to seek and complete tertiary education, which also helps to progress the goal of Quality Education (SDG4).
Danielle's story is an eligible nomination for one of the AIM2Flourish 17 Flourish Prizes awarded in Spring 2023 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA, and at regional celebrations around the world.
Thank you Danielle for writing about Nisa! :)
You can read the full article online at
AIM2Flourish host the world’s largest collection of student-written stories about business innovations for good and working towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals. AIM2Flourish partners with management schools worldwide and the global Business for Good community. Using the Global Goals as their lens, students identify an innovation, conduct an in-person interview with a business leader, and then write about what they learned.
AIM2Flourish's mission is to accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals action by preparing Global Goals leaders. AIM2Flourish was established by Case Western Reserve University, USA, and launched in 2015.
#UNsustainabledevelopmentgoals #SDGs