Business for Good

✨ Our brains are sparking! Pam Lowe and Li Ling were very fortunate to have been part of a great Business for Good programme event day hosted by New Zealand Trade and Enterprise and B Lab Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand .
We were able to meet and get to know fab people from other NZ export businesses on the same programme, and travelled around Wellington to hear from Brooke Roberts at Sharesies , Kate Wilson Butler and team at Chapman Tripp, Matt at Peoples Coffee Limited , Dave Shoemack and team at Goodnature , and Rachel Turner and team at Kowtow Clothing. It was very insightful and useful for us to reflect on for what we’re doing for the Nisa business.
The rest of the programme involves completing a business impact assessment for Nisa Clothing & Manufactory | New Zealand made underwear, activewear & swimwear , working with a B Corp consultant (ours will be Tim Jones - That B Corp Bloke!) and a follow up virtual workshop with the other businesses.
Huge thank you to the NZTE team for an incredibly well run event and allowing us to have an enjoyable and informative event: Chris Lijzenga Sophie Mills Stefan Kere Kere Florence Van Dyke
We are so very thankful for all of these opportunities for us and Nisa 💛
#export #business #journeys #bcorp #sustainability
- Tags: business Sustainability